Penhaligon’s Scent Library

At the end of May I went home for Bear’s birthday via Bicester Village on the hunt for a prom dress. Since they built the new(ish) extra expensive end it’s been a bit difficult to find a logical way around all the shops, so this time we started on the outside, where Penhaligon’s is. I love the shop, some perfumery/soapy shops can be overpowering when you get in, but it seems that most Penhaligon’s scents have a delicate signature tone running through them all, so what I could smell all went well together. I looked over all the Opus 1870 products longingly, then mumma picked up the scent library: 10 vials of 1.5ml samples (including Opus!) for only £10 (RRP £16). The presentation was almost as pretty as their traditional little ribboned bottles, and it took me weeks to get through them all!

Penhaligon's Scent Library

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RIP Owen’s Park Tower

On results day last year, Jamie did well enough to go straight into a Maths degree at Loughborough, but decided that he would rather do the foundation year at the University of Manchester. Unfortunately UCAS doesn’t work that way and his insurance place was forfeited. He had to call up to get back into the (now oversubscribed) course, which might have meant he lost his accommodation preferences, or maybe it was just luck that he ended up in the tower (with many other people who hadn’t put it in their preferences). His mum likes to remind me how I cried when I found out that my poor, delicate boy was going to be in catered halls on the thirteenth floor, sharing a bathroom with 11 other boys.

But we’re all so glad it happened.

beer pong on a bed frame

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Garlic chicken in a blanket

Between helping Jamie move out of the tower and going back to London, I had a few hours at home with mumma on Monday. As I was ploughing through the Boursin at lunch she suggested we save some to put in chicken and wrap in bacon for dinner, which ended up being my job. It was so easy and quick, and worked really well as a summery meal for a humid day.

bacon wrapped cheesey chicken

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Blogger Grammar 101

As I’ve been sifting through new blogs I’ve come across a lot of horrible grammar. I keep going on about it on twitter, but I can’t be the only one who cringes at a beautiful, thoughtful post that goes on to ask the readers “what’s you’re opinion?”.

It completely baffles me that people can write this badly and still have a readership. Even legitimate magazine Company is guilty, on their twitter and in their actual posts. I’ve had to unfollow them because it makes me feel dirty. It’s so basic, all of these little things were taught to me at GCSE or before. There are no excuses.

crimes against grammar by a published magazine

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Moving to London (a guide for students)

If you’ve asked anyone for any advice about moving to London, they’ve probably told you how everything is so expensive. And you probably underestimated it. To put it into perspective: my tiny share of a 4 bed in Elephant and Castle (zone 1-2) last year cost £640/month, without bills. It wasn’t even an amazing house; I had a small double bedroom, tiny grotty kitchen, small shared shower room, and a sitting room that struggled to seat all four of us. The “garden” isn’t worth mentioning. Over summer I saved £2200; £200 a month until the next summer holiday (+£20/week for food from dadda), yet I haven’t been out of my £500 overdraft since December. Nights out are impossible for less than £20, and I don’t think we’ve gone out out since my birthday (three months ago).

Don't expect moving to London to be as romantic as you expect

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